Rik Brooks

Day 66 of the 75 hard

Rik Brooks
Day 66 of the 75 hard

Hello my loyal disciples! Alas it is time for the Sunday sermon!!! Today marks 66 days of living life on the straight and narrow. I have accomplished two workouts per day, finished 66 gallons of water, read 3 books, and only watched 19 hours and 15 minutes of T.V. I have accomplished a lot, but there is still so much work that needs to be done. I am not close to being the man that I would like to be. My mood is elevated because the weather is starting to turn into something that resembles spring. The sun is no longer hiding in the clouds, and people are starting to hit the hiking trails again. As the sun starts to melt away winter I hope that all of you will use this opportunity to go out and get active. Go on a hike with your loved ones, go paddle boarding, start running. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it is not sitting on the couch watching T.V. We are only young once and only have the ability to lift heavy things and be explosive for a short time. Please don’t waste that ability, because once you get past a certain age, those abilities are gone forever.  

I have been thinking a lot about fear again. I think that 99% of people are afraid, and that is why they never take that giant leap of faith. We as a species are scared of the unknown. We are scared of death because none of us know for certain what is on the other side. All the information we have on that subject is speculative. We need security, so we stay in our dead-end jobs and trade our precious time for money. We put that money into the stock market and have others tend to our money because that is what everyone else does and there is comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

We have decided that this is our life, and we will live it how we see fit. We have chosen to be the captains of our spacecraft. It is very scary leaving any type of security, but  once you do, your brain is going to be forced to learn new things. You will improvise, adapt, and overcome.  Baby steps will be key.  Goals will be key, and timelines are a must. Freedom is what awaits all of us on the other side. What does that word truly mean? I cannot answer that for all of you. However, for me it means money isn’t a concern, and travel is no longer a pipe dream but a reality. Freedom is working not because you have to, but because you want to. This will be true in the near future. That is my end goal; what is yours? Thanks for reading! The battle against the chub rages on tomorrow! May the Church of the Chubby reign supreme! 

Outdoor workout:

60 minute walk 

Indoor workout:

Two warm up sets of 5-10 reps per lift 

Barbell bench press 5x4

Decline barbell bench press 5x4

Front press 5x4

Weighted dips 5x4


Breakfast: 6 eggs

Second breakfast: 48 gram protein shake, 1 banana 

Dinner: 11.3 oz. of chicken thighs, and 2 oz. of mixed greens