Rik Brooks

Sunday Sermon!

Rik Brooks
Sunday Sermon!

Hello my loyal disciples! As I approach the tail end of the 75 hard, I find myself becoming more impatient. Wanting the days to come faster, wanting to have more gains, wanting to just be done with  the daily tasks of the 75 hard . However, now is not the time to ease up.  Right now I am  in the most critical part of the challenge. This is where I am going to see the most growth. I have been getting pretty shitty with myself lately for not pushing myself more during my outdoor workouts. I feel like I need to be running more, or doing harder exercises. That type of thinking is very dangerous. In the past it has led to me giving up on ideas, and far too many goals. The important part is that I am still completing all of the required tasks when I am  tired, stressed, over it, etc. I keep pushing, even if it is not as fast as I want it to be, I am moving forward and not sitting back watching life slowly pass by. 

One thing that I wanted to talk with you guys about this week is patience. I have been, and to a large degree still am very impatient. I don’t just want things right now, I wanted it 5 minutes ago. This type of thinking has been very harmful for me during my 29 years. One of the reasons I embraced the chub for a time was that it was easier to grab a six pack at the store than to build on in the kitchen and the gym. Having a great physique takes an incredible amount of dedication and patience. Building good habits and becoming their slave takes time. When I look back on my many failures I attribute most of them to not having enough patience or belief in myself. Pretty much everyone I know wants to be a muilti-millionaire, but very few of them have the patience required to make the dream become a reality. 

I have always been told that anything worth a damn takes time. The sad thing about this phase is it took 29 years for me to get it. That said, since I finally comprehend the above phase I am very excited to see what secrets it can unlock going forward. I hope that anyone reading this will deploy more patience in their life. I know that it has been serving me well lately. In closing, I would like to leave you all with a thought. Any exercise is better than none at all. This past week has been challenging with the ice storm, loss of power, and living life as an internetless refugee. There have been many plot twists, but I doubled down and battled back. I never missed a workout, and still ate clean. I hope you all did the same! If we can still remain successful  through these challenges what else are we capable of?

I am not sure what you are capable of, only the individual can discern that answer for his or herself, but I do know what I am capable of, and I have the patience and drive to see it through. The battle against the chub rages on tomorrow! May the Church of the Chubby reign supreme! Now go forth and conquer! Thanks for reading, I will chat with you all tomorrow!

LPT: check out Uncle Joey’s Joint podcast EP 37. He starts talking about patience around 22 minutes in.

Edit: the first paragraph was inspired by COC member, and my dear friend Andrew.

Outdoor workout: 

60 minute walk

Indoor workout:

Barbell back squat 2x10 followed by 1x5 (heavy) working sets 2x8 (heavy) 

Leg extension 2x8

Back extension x28

Superset Leg Press with lying leg curl 2x8

Machine seated calf raise 2x8

Leg press calf raise

Breakfast: 6 eggs, and a 48 gram protein shake

Snack: 40 gram protein shake

Lunch: 8.7 oz. of antelope round and 40 gram protein shake

Dinner:5.7 oz. of cauliflower rice 3.0 oz. of venison