Episode 93- J.D. Roth: Get Rich Slowly with The Personal Finance Expert
Rik’s Mind Podcast Ep93 J.D. Roth: Get Rich Slowly with The Personal Finance Expert

J.D. Roth

Personal-Finance expert, Founder GetRichSlowly.org

Today we are joined by J.D. Roth. J.D. is an accidental personal-finance expert. He founded GetRichSlowly.org in 2006 as a way to document his journey out of debt. Ironically, the website grew faster than he ever believed possible, allowing him to get rich *quickly*. Today, he's financially independent. Over the years, J.D. has written a book (Your Money: The Missing Manual), written the monthly "Your Money" column for Entrepreneur magazine, and (most recently) was commissioned by Audible and The Great Courses to create the five-hour audio project, "How to Achieve Financial Independence and Retire Early".

Show Notes:

Get Rich Slowly | Official Website

Financial Regulations: Glass-Steagall to Dodd-Frank | Investopedia

Web 2.0 vs. Web 3.0: What's the difference? | TechTarget