Episode 80- Nick Ramos: Ukraine's Political History w Far Right Extremists, Russia's Invasion

Nick Ramos
Host, “History of The Cuban Revolution Podcast”
Today we are joined again by friend of the show Nick Ramos. Nick is a podcaster and host of the History of the Cuban Revolution. Nick helps us work through all the wrinkles of the Ukraine - Russia conflict, all the way back from the Kievan Rus’ days to modern times. NATO Expansion and antagonism, The Monroe Doctrine, the murder of Georgiy Gongadze, the Euromaidan Revolution and the overthrowing of Viktor Yanukovych. We’ve got it all. Stick around and get some great info the mainstream media won’t tell you. You can follow Nick on his twitter @nickramos_1 and his History of the Cuban Revolution Podcast
Show Notes:
Ukraine’s Identity Crisis – from Independence to Invasion by Nick Ramos | 2nd Look News
NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard | National Security Archive
The Nisour Square Massacre | Tidings Media
Blackwater Guards Found Guilty in 2007 Iraq Killings | The New York Times
Ukraine- A Murder in Kyiv, October 2005 | PBS Frontline
The Murder of Gongadze: 20 Years of Searching for the Truth | Public Interest Journalism Lab
Everything you need to know about the 2014 Ukraine crisis | Vox
Putin’s world: Selected quotes from a disturbing speech | Euractiv
Kaliningrad, city, Kaliningrad oblast, Russia | Britannica
Turkey’s Canal Istanbul dispute explained | AlJazeera
Turkey slams admirals' warning over Bosphorus treaty | France 24
Why Michael Shellenberger, A Centrist, Is Challenging California Gov. Gavin Newsom | HuffPost
How Russia rescued the ruble | NPR Planet Money
Defeated Axis Powers Germany and Japan Rearm After Ukraine Invasion | Greek Reporter
War Is A Racket: Original Edition by Smedley D. Butler | Amazon