Episode 65- Eric W. Ross: What is Cultural Studies and why is it important?
Eric W Ross Portrait man standing by hedge

Eric W. Ross

Cultural Studies Phd Candidate, George Mason University

Today we are joined by Eric Ross. Eric lives in Washington, DC and is a Star Trek fan, a Dungeon Master, a Taco Bell enthusiast and a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies at George Mason University. He writes about museums, and conflicts over history and memory. Since 2017, he has also been an instructor teaching intro to Social Justice classes to first year college students.

Additionally, Mr. Ross is an active member of the George Mason chapter of the Association of American University Professors (AAUP). Before graduate school, he spent two years working with Americorps in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Eric is not on social media, so don’t expect to fine him anywhere but at George Mason Univ.

Show Notes:

Americorps | Official Website

American Studies | Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies, University of South Florida

Stuart Hall and the Rise of Cultural Studies | The New Yorker

Museum of the Bible | Wikipedia

A Bible museum is a good idea. The one that's opening is not. | Vox

After 'Missteps' And Controversies, Museum Of The Bible Works To Clean Up Its Act | NPR

Met Museum Removes Sackler Name From Wing Over Opioid Ties | The New York Times

Sackler family | Wikipedia

The Temple Of Dendur | The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Montana seeks to lift protections for bears around Glacier | NBC Montana

Police: Armed carjacking suspect committed string of crimes leading up to Monday morning shooting | KGW8 Portland