Episode 22- Lane Kawaoka

Episode 22- Lane Kawaoka

Lane Kawaoka

Real Estate Investor and Mentor, Ex-Civil Engineer

Episode 22- Lane Kawaoka

On today’s show we are joined by Lane Kawaoka. Lane is a Real Estate Investor, Mentor and founder of SimplePassiveCashflow.com. After graduating from the University of Washington (BS Industrial Engineering and MS Civil Engineering), Lane worked as professional engineer for several years. In 2019, Lane left his job to become a full-time real estate investor and mentor. Currently, Lane’s portfolio holds over 4,200 units in 12 US markets. A Forbes Real Estate Council member, Lane’s goal is to reach the “critical mass” stage of investing and shift into “cruise control” stage to really live his passive cashflow dreams.

You can find more about Lane on his website SimplePassiveCashflow.com. He is also on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

Show Notes:

How to Use Price-To-Rent Ratio | Investopedia

America’s Fastest-Growing States | U.S. News and World Report

Three Types of Real Estate Markets | TruePoint Capital

The Millionaire Real Estate Investor | KellerInk Books
