Episode 101- Agent Sebastian of 'Cart Narcs' Teaches Us How Not to Be a Lazybones
Agent Sebastian of Cart Narcs on Rik's Mind Podcast

Agent Sebastian

Sworn Agent, Cart Narcs

Do you return your shopping cart where it belongs? ‘Cause Sworn Agent of the ‘Cart Narcs’ Agent Sebastian has a problem with you if you don’t! Cart Narcs is a task force started by Agent Sebastian to get lazybones to return their carts back to the corral (where they belong). Through a combination of politeness, bravery and persistence, Agent Sebastian’s mission is to clean up shopping center parking lots, one cart at a time. Agent Sebastian shares his stories of having guns and knives pulled on him, shouting matches and what takes to be a Cart Narc. You can find Agent Sebastian on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram (but not tik tok) @CartNarcs. Don’t run into the Cart Narcs, return your cart!!

Show Notes:

Cart Narcs | Youtube

Cart Narcs | Instagram

‘I'm a Fat A-Hole’ Cart Narcs | Youtube

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman | Rob Bliss on Youtube

Dr Phil Publicly Shamed by The Cart Narcs | Youtube