Rik Brooks

Day 34 of the 75 hard

Rik Brooks
Day 34 of the 75 hard

Hello my loyal disciples! I learned a lot of lessons during the 10,000 rep kettlebell challenge. The first being: My body seemed unable to adapt to the sheer volume of reps. This statement is partly false because after about two weeks my hamstrings and lower back were no longer sore. It was about this time that my grip strength started to become an issue. I must also note that I completely abandoned the rep scheme after two weeks. I started doing sets of 40-50 for the first 200 reps and then would do sets of 30 rest for a bit and knock out 20 more reps. Overall it was a good experience and I think that I will do this challenge again in the near future. The battle against the chub rages on tomorrow!

Outdoor workout

45 minute walk

Indoor workout

(Two warm up sets of 5-10 reps for each lift)

Barbell squats 4x5

Barbell deadlift 4x5

Leg press 4x5

Barbell stiff-legged deadlift 4x5

Breakfast: 1 banana, 48 grams of whey protein (I purchased a new protein)

Second Breakfast: 5.0 oz. of deer round 4 eggs over easy 

Lunch: 5.1 oz. of deer round 3.5 oz. of kale salad 

Snack: 1 banana 1 can of sardines 

Snack: 40 gram protein shake 

Dinner: 3.5 oz. of beef round steak 8.0 oz. of cottage cheese 40 grams of protein