Rik Brooks

Day 11 of the 75 hard

Rik Brooks
Day 11 of the 75 hard

Hello my loyal disciples! Today marks day 11 of the 75 hard, and things are looking up. I decided to take the day off from my day job to get more organized. It was a great decision. I was able to do some meal prepping and create a workout program for the rest of this month to bring down my decision fatigue. I am feeling confident that these choices will improve the quality of my challenge. I hope you all had a great Monday as well. The battle against the chub rages on tomorrow.

Outdoor workout: 

500 Kettlebell swings 

Indoor workout: 


Narrow-Grip Floor Press 4x8          

Dumbbell Hammer Curl 4x8

Lying EZ-Bar Triceps Extension 4x8 

Incline Dumbbell Curl 4x8 

Rope Triceps Pushdown 4x8

One-Arm Palms-Down Cable Curl 4x8  

Lat pulls 3×15


Breakfast: 1 Avocado and 50 grams of whey protein.

Lunch: 2 duck breasts with one cup of cauliflower rice, and 50 grams of whey protein.

Dinner: Ground Turkey with purple cabbage, and one quarter onion.