Rik Brooks

The Grind

Rik Brooks
The Grind

Hello my loyal disciples! I find it funny that when you think you have life all figured out she throws you a giant curveball. My mind has been very weak lately. I was convinced I would be crushing the Church of the Chubby challenge, but I have failed at that. This post is going to be somewhat negative, but it will get better, so stick with me. I have not been lifting as consistently as I would like to. I made it to the gym three times this week and my diet has been a complete shit show. Furthermore, I had several glasses of wine, and a few beers this week. On a positive note, they were all consumed in the presence of loved ones. These drinks enriched my soul and heightened my experiences. However, these decisions are not helping reach my goals. I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what the hell is going on and why I keep failing my own challenge. Through some soul searching I believe I have found the answer. I have been looking too far ahead. I keep living in the future, and not living in the present moment. I am also not celebrating my small wins. I am so concerned with pushing myself to the limit that I end up not doing anything at all. For example, I ran 1.5 miles today on the treadmill at a pretty slow pace and was berating myself for not running harder. Truthfully, it was a miracle I got myself to run at all. The determining factor in making this amazing decision was the fact that I will not allow myself to fail my goal of running 6 miles per week. 

One of the many factors of this shift in perspective is the beautiful weather that has swept that PNW. For the past 16 years I have conditioned myself to engage in as many fun activities as humanly possible while the weather is nice. Six months of constant rain drains my battery, and the only way to recharge them is to embrace the sun and wreak havoc on as many trails as my legs will allow me to walk. 

Going forward, the plan is to train for the Church of the Chubby Challenge and hold myself to running 6 miles per week and lifting 5 days per week. Daily doubles are off. I know I will end up completing them, but not because I have to. It will be because I want to. Things are looking up on the diet front as well. I just purchased a whole lamb and a bunch of beef hearts and livers, so there is no excuse to eat junk anymore. My freezer is stocked and I have a cookbook to prepare delicious keto friendly food. The overall goal is to be more kind to myself and to have small, objectionable goals I can realistically reach. I seem to be doing a little bit too much right now. There are a lot of moving parts going on behind the scenes. I will let you all know what they are as soon as I am able to share. The battle against the chub rages on tomorrow. May the church of the Chubby reign supreme! Thanks for reading! I will chat with you all on Sunday!   

Run Length: 1.5

Total: miles ran 3.8

Goal: 6 miles 


2 warm up sets of 5-10 reps 

Bent over rows 2x3

T Bar rows 2x3

Barbell upright row 2x5

Standing EZ bar curl 2x5


Breakfast: 4 eggs and 9 Oz of antelope sausage 

Lunch: 8 Oz of cauliflower rice 

Second Lunch: two cheeseburgers and a small fry and milkshake. The chub won :(

Dinner: 10.9 Oz of liver and onions